Only available with Mailtrack Advanced. Upgrade here to unlock this feature.
What information is in the Campaigns report?
In the Campaigns report you can view:
The campaigns you've sent so far (in send order).
The subject line of those campaigns.
Their send dates and times.
Whether there were any errors with your campaigns.
How many people each campaign's been sent to.
The open percentage rate for each campaign.
The actual number of opened/unopened campaign mails.
If you click to view more info for a particular campaign you'll also be able to see:
Who's opened the campaign mail.
How many times each person opened the campaign mail.
How long it took each person to open the campaign mail.
If someone clicked on a link inside the campaign mail.
How to open the Campaigns report
You can access the Campaigns report by clicking on the option in the menu inside Gmail.
Or the option in the menu to the left of the screen if you're already in your Mailtrack dashboard.